Sunday, August 19, 2007

PDA My Way: Ode to the Smart Phone

I had to throw this picture of Michael in. He is eating ice cream at Mom's house. In his hand is the little gnome he found in the Kinder egg Grandma got him, and he is using it to dip in his ice cream and lick clean. I don't know why the perfectly good spoon to his right did not meet his needs.

So I got a new Smart phone this week. I was really excited because I really loved my PDA until it got lost, ran out of batteries and never recovered. This event caused me to start bringing paper scriptures to church. This precipitated Rachel stealing my scriptures once we got to church each week and me ending up in priesthood with one of those nice mismatched library scriptures, plus a giant bag to hold everything else that I needed. Oh how I missed the little compact brain that had everything that I needed in one little package. After months of stuffing my scriptues into microscopic carry on bags for trips, I am back in the saddle again. After years of enjoying life without a cell phone Kersten and I decided we needed another one because we were finding it difficult to share, especially when I am on the road. Then the thought came to me; I could do both!

Kersten and the kids went to Boise this week to visit her parents. This time is gold to me. I finally can make progress on all the home projects that are so stymied by the smaller kids. I got up at 6 am every morning and went to bed after 11 pm. But, I got a lot of stuff done. I realized one again that house cleaning makes me very happy. I am not sure if that is from the eternal principle of work, or if Mom instilled it (wooden spooned) it into me. I am amazed at how quickly things build up around the house.

Now to answer some of those pesky questions that appeared on my blog from last time. Thanks for the vote of confidence in the goatee Migel, amazingly I breezed right through, but it may be because half the people at NASA have facial hair. Or maybe it was because Doug had one too and they didn't want to break up the matched set. Jen-Sorry I did not get your comment sooner, I had already left by the time I read it. Maybe next time. And no, sweetie, I really wasn't fishing the whole time, I promise.

On a much more somber note, I can't help but comment on the tragic death of my cousin Ruth this weekend in a car accident. I don't have a lot of memories of her, just a few of her as a smiling young girl in amongst my Uncle and Aunts family, but I am saddened by the loss of one of our family. It reminds me how fragile life can be and how important our belief in forever families is to our very existence. Our hearts and prayers go out to Stan and Diana and their family at this difficult time.


At 10:17 PM, Blogger twoplustwins said...

I thought Kersten was the one that made you get the first phone so that she and Emily would not be killed in some gruesome fashion while stopped to fix a tire that you had tried to coax another 10,000 miles out of. Did your affection wain, and is only now picking back up?

At 1:38 PM, Blogger Kersten said...

Probably it is only now just picking up...

At 1:29 PM, Blogger thebrotherofjared said...

Thanks for the reminder of the thing I'm saving up for! My mom doesn't see why other people don't let their kids get cell phones- if you do, please keep it quiet until I can get one!


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