Coming face to face with "Coug-it"
Just another quick post on the Cougs. I sat next to this Oregon fan at the UO vs. WSU game last fall who's every other word was Coug-it. I was infuriated, even though we were quite amicable in our conversation. I just hated the word. Today, I realized that I, as a Cougar fan, live that in my heart. I am constantly sitting around waiting for the other shoe to drop. Thinking that we will come off the magical ride around the next bend and have our hearts crushed mercilessly, just as they have been so many times before. And then I realized it. I am perpetuating all that is bad about Coug-it, perceiving that the house must be made of cards, and that it will soon fall, no matter how good things are. I think before we can banish that word from the lips of our foes, we have to get it out of our hearts. Do you think this years Cougs can do it?
Fabulous game against w.u. last night. I thought for sure we were cooked, but once again found a way to win. You have to love that about this team. Now I wonder what they can do next week.