I'm melting
I want to point you all to Kersten's blog (kersten4.blogspot.com) to read her essays on five children and motherhood. She has been having a lot of fun writing them.
I don't remember it ever getting over 100 F in Pullman. I expect that it did at some point and I can't remember. Even as hot as it is, it doesn't hold a candle to College Station. Still, that does not mean that it is better. There, you would walk into any structure and be instantly cooled like a McDonalds hamburger paddy in a blast freezer until your sinuses ached. Thus, unless you worked in construction or landscaping, or were a no-account grad student working in the rice fields, you practically never got overheated. Here, we are completely unprepared for the heat. Just like Texas in an ice storm, the pace of business grinds to a near halt. At the video store yesterday, I briefly wondered if they might have A/C but one look at the poor desk attendants melting behind the counter gave me the answer. At Tri-State, I got the combined pleasure of both shopping for running shoes and being broiled alive, all for one low price. Today in church the heat was stiffling, at least for me, as I fell asleep in ever class I went into. Cooling our house has been a trick too. The swamp cooler has been doing well, but the kids leave the door open all the time which quickly negates all the work we did the night before. Still, the family doesn't seem to mind. Kersten says that the was born for a warm climate and could not be happier. The kids never complain either. I guess they must be used to it; maybe they still have some Texas in them after all.