Sunday, June 18, 2006


I keep writing about things and Kersten vetos them...she says I can't splash our life out for the world to see. So, I guess that I will have to talk about more tame things, like racoons...and wait until she is not looking over my sholder. I was dozing on the porch of our cabin in the evening and woke to find this racoon nibbling at my pant leg. They were pretty adventuresome because people had been feeding them. I was going to write more, but I was talking to Cecily and Mike on the phone and I am all our of energy now. I have dropped in a few more pictures of our vacation. Can someone please call Kersten to get her to start her own blog again so she won't tell me what to put in mine? HEY....(kersten here) I should get a say in what the whole world gets to read about my family!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Islands and Hard Drives

We just got back from a great trip to the San Juans. As usual, one of the greatest things about it was getting home. I am not sure we are cut out for 9 hours in a mini-van. Still, it was great over there. We just relaxed and had fun with the kids. With our own private beach, we just hung out for hours, making sand castles, batting rocks into the water, and searching for crabs and other things in the sand. Each night, we would put the kids to bed and relax on the porch...well, not really, each night we would put them to bed about 20 times and cringe on the porch as Michael screamed, Sarah yelled that Ryan was annoying her, Rachel kicked Ryan...well, you get the picture. Still, the sunsets were wonderful and the quiet, when it finally came, was delicious. It was sad to leave.

Have you ever prayed over your hard drive? Upon returning home, we discovered that our hard drive had called it quits. I don't know why. They should warn us. Something like "please back up your data, in a 3 days, I will be gone, and so will all your precious email addresses, talks, letters, and of course, the obligatory Quicken finacials. The last one we really have no excuse for, because it reminds us to back up every time we use it, but, who ever does that when they have a perfectly good hard drive. I should learn some time.

Did you know that Robert, of Robert's Rules of Order fame, has a rock? It is here in the picture. He build a fortification (Redoubt) on top of a hill on San Juan Island and this rock was right next to it. So they stuck a plack on it. This was well before the book. And, from what I have read in the book, this rock is about as interesting as the book. But maybe I missed the exciting parts.

I guess that is enough for now. Thanks to all those who left comments on my blog to egg me on to a second posting. I have to go work on my faith concerning a certain hard drive.